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French Horn & Tuba 3


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Despite the fact that the Samplemodeling™ box in our homepage is only virtual, since French Horn & Tuba 3 was conceived as a downloadable item, some customers asked for a "boxed" version of the product. However, a paper box, along with CD manufacturing and labeling, inlay card, printed manuals, plus handling, storing and shipping the physical product would involve substantial costs, making French Horn & Tuba 3 considerably more expensive.

On the other hand - it is certainly attractive to have at one's disposal a valuable product as a professional-looking CD, packed in a nicely designed box… Something "solid" :).

We are happy we can offer you both choices - a bargain price for the downloadable item, and a boxed product at a negligible cost. All you need is:

  • an empty DVD box you can buy round the corner (or you probably have anyway)
  • a sheet of (possibly good) paper
  • a printable CD - in case your printer has the CD print option
  • alternatively you may use adhesive paper CD labels or you may also choose the backup-CD option while purchasing our software.

The following links will provide you the necessary graphics:


Print the Inlay Card, cut it to the right size and insert it under the transparent foil of the DVD box.


Print the CD label directly on the (printable) CD, using the appropriate software. You may also use the adhesive paper labels, which, however, looks less "professional". Finally, don´t forget to burn the file(s) you´ve downloaded and the Serial Number you´ve got via e-mail...

You don´t need any CD label if you purchase the Backup CD option; in this case you will get the ready-labelled CD, which will be sent in a normal paper envelope.

View an Inlay example in a DVD box
Samplemodeling French Horn & Tuba 3
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