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Samplemodeling Solo, Chamber & Ensemble Strings

Video Tutorials

Dear Samplemodeling friends, our instruments are complex, and although they offer virtually endless possibilities, best result are obtainable only after careful study of the manual first, in particular of the rescalers, controllers, keyswitches, remappers etc. Even this, however, may not be sufficient. As with the real thing, playing techniques suitable for string instruments must be learned, practiced and mastered.

Since doing this without a guide may involve a steep learning curve and lead to some frustration, we open this new page, "Tutorials", in order to make you quickly familiar with technical and practical aspects concerning the use of these instruments.

The first series of tutorials (NEW!) is a work in progress by Cristian Labelli, with the aim of showing in detail how to shape each articulation, making proper use of velocity, controllers and keyswitches. The series starts with an introductory analysis of a real time performance of a solo instrument. The first tutorial focuses on what we call "default attacks", i.e. the attacks that you will get with the instruments straightly out of the box, sculpting them using just velocity, CC11 (expression) and CC26 (attack time), even in real time. The second tutorial shows how to obtain different types of attacks, namely on-the-string (marcato) and off-the-string (spiccato) attacks, using CC38 (attack type). Each tutorial is very short, lasting just a few minutes. Our suggestion is to carefully watch, listen and study them thoroughly. You will be pleased to note how easily one can play our Strings.

You might be already familiar with the previously released tutorials. D'mitry Goriuk made three very interesting tutorials. The first introduces you to the realm of controllers, keyswitches and their proper use. The second shows how to use our exclusive Timbral Shaper. The third is dedicated to Microtuning.

Ramiro Gómez Massetti mainly focuses on playing techniques, tips and tricks, and practical examples showing how to make the instruments sound more realistic.

Leandro Gardini will introduce a series of professional tutorials named: "Sample Modeling - Taking Your Strings to the Next Level", focused on the following topics:

  • How much easier SM Strings can handle difficult articulations on samples. The cases of the First movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, and of the Symphony no.40 of Mozart.
  • Versatility of different ensemble and different ambiences. How versatile SM S & E Strings are compared to conventional libraries.
  • Perfect match of Sample Modeling Strings with other libraries. How well SM Strings merge with other libraries.
  • Special effects. What cannot be achieved with conventional libraries.
The four tutorials of this series are already available here below:

Samplemodeling Solo & Ensemble Strings

The first tutorial on how to play our instrument using basic parameters

How to obtain different types of attacks using CC38 (attack type)

How to shape default attacks using note velocity, CC26 and CC25

The new Samplemodeling Solo & Ensemble Strings, General Description by Dmitry Goriuk, part one: a tutorial on controllers and keyswitches.

The new Samplemodeling Solo & Ensemble Strings, General Description by Dmitry Goriuk, part two: a tutorial on our exclusive Timbral Shaper.

The new Samplemodeling Solo & Ensemble Strings, General Description by Dmitry Goriuk, part three: a tutorial on microtuning.

Leandro Gardini will introduce a series of professional tutorials named: "Sample Modeling - Taking Your Strings to the Next Level".

Leandro Gardini has been composing, orchestrating and arranging for the music industry for over fifteen years. He has won several awards including the Berlin International Film Scoring Competition in 2018. He leads Gardini School, an online learning platform dedicated to the development of premium courses to interested students and professionals of the music industry.

Leandro will offer to Samplemodeling users a free series of tutorials focused on the following topics:

  • How much easier SM Strings can handle difficult articulations on samples. The cases of the First movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, and of the Symphony no.40 of Mozart.
  • Versatility of different ensemble and different ambiences. How versatile SM S&E Strings are compared to conventinal libraries.
  • Perfect match of Sample Modeling Strings with other libraries. How well SM Strings merge with other libraries.
  • Special effects. What cannot be achieved with conventional libraries.
  • The four tutorials of this series are already available here below:

Scoring Tools Masterclass - Taking Your Strings to the Next Level episode 1. The new Sample Modeling Solo & Ensemble Strings playing Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

Scoring Tools Masterclass - Taking Your Strings to the Next Level episode 2. The new Sample Modeling Solo & Ensemble Strings playing the Mozart's Symphony no.40

Scoring Tools Masterclass - Taking Your Strings to the Next Level episode 3. The new Sample Modeling Solo & Ensemble Strings playing Gladiator by Hans Zimmer

Scoring Tools Masterclass - Taking Your Strings to the Next Level episode 4. The New Sample Modeling Solo & Ensemble Strings playing Lord of the Rings by Howard Shore

Promotional offers

Gardini School offers a 12-weeks course bases on recorded video instructions, guiding you step by step how to develop your skills.

As a Samplemodeling customer, you are entitled to a generous promotion deals from our collaboration partners, i.e. a 20% discount on the Scoring Tools Masterclass.
Please refer to this website for info and contacts.

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